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Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray

Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray

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Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray

Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray

Regular price $19.97 USD
Regular price $19.97 USD Sale price
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If you're looking for a natural way to enhance your respiratory health, try Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray today.

4 Week Experience Fix

Ourlyard™ can help you, using Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray to get your health back on track and make you feel like a new man (or woman). Specially formulated to address conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, smoking related problems, colds and flu, allergies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, cough, emphysema, lung mucus, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic sinus disease, and more! 

Our spray has helped many people get rid of their anguish!

“I have been dealing with COPD for quite some time, and as a smoker, I've constantly felt stressed about finding a solution to take care of my lungs. I've tried numerous products, but none of them provided long-lasting relief. Fortunately, I came across the Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray, and it has been incredibly beneficial. I've been using it for several months now, and I am delighted to share that my oxygen levels consistently stay above 90. Not only that, but I can also breathe normally again after a long time. This spray has truly made a significant difference in improving my respiratory health and provided effective relief, especially considering my smoking history."--Emily,  from Paris

“Pneumonia often left me feeling helpless, and every time I had an attack, I felt breathless and chesty. Before each attack, I would feel a wave of anxiety and uneasiness, as if an invisible hand was choking my throat, preventing me from breathing smoothly. A visit to the hospital revealed that my airways were narrow and my lungs were clogged with mucus. But since using this asthma spray, the feeling has slowly disappeared like a breath of fresh air. My lungs and bronchial tubes are back to normal and I can finally concentrate on my work with peace of mind!”--William

In a comprehensive 28-day global clinical trial involving 2,738 participants, Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Cleansing and Repair Spray demonstrated significant efficacy in cleansing and restoring the lungs of long-term smokers or those exposed to dust. Participants experienced significant improvement in symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, coughing up sputum, chest pain and shortness of breath.

he World Health Organization, an average of 60 to 80 million people worldwide suffer from lung disease each year!

If this is the case for you

Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray will be a great choice for you!

Recommendations from Pulmonary Specialist

As a respiratory disease researcher, I am impressed with the efficacy of Ourlyard™  Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray. It is recognized as the best choice when it comes to treating lung diseases. Its unique formula of birch extract not only provides rapid relief of cough and phlegm symptoms, but also helps to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract, allowing patients to breathe more smoothly and easily. Its innovative nature makes it a star product in the field of lung treatment today.---Mathew Saunders M.D.

How does it work on the lungs?

 Ourlyard™  Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray is designed for easy and quick application. The spray's herbal ingredients help open the airways, soothe inflamed tissues and promote increased airflow. As a result, users typically feel immediate relief, which makes it especially valuable when dealing with severe breathing difficulties.

Continued use of Ourlyard™ helps eliminate toxins and pollutants from the lungs, resulting in long-term benefits. Over time, this cleansing process may help enhance overall respiratory health and lung function.

It contains these active ingredients

1. Birch Extract:——A gum resin extract from the benzoin tree that has been used for centuries to treat respiratory conditions. Its antimicrobial properties help clear the respiratory tract and reduce inflammation. It also has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that help relieve congestion and is used to dilate bronchial tubes and relieve symptoms of diseases such as asthma and COPD

2. Omega-3 fatty acids—— components of complex host secretions that work synergistically with other innate defense molecules to fight infections and control resident microbial populations throughout the oral and respiratory tracts for respiratory health benefits, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects

3. Viscous water:——reduces congestion caused by excess sinus mucus, used to dilute respiratory mucus, respiratory mucus discharge, thus helping to clear the airways and reduce coughing

4. Recombinant Collagen Peptide:——a vitamin-rich, highly bioavailable protein. It has been shown to improve respiratory health by helping to reduce mucus production and increase mucus cilia clearance. This is because it has been shown to promote the growth of new, healthy cells in the lungs.

Why choose Ourlyard™ Herbal Lung Clearing and Repairing Spray:

✔ Repair damaged airways and lungs
✔ Removes mucus and waste buildup in the lungs
✔ Improves and treats respiratory allergies/asthma
✔ Prevent respiratory diseases
✔ Cure the effects of viral pneumonia
✔ Lets you breathe easy again

Our products have received favorable feedback from many of our customers who have regained their health.


Usage and preservation

Step 1:
Remove cap from bottle and peel off protective seal.
Step 2: Shake well before each use. After shaking the bottle, be sure to hold the bottle in an upright position for at least 30 seconds so that all ingredients are well mixed together.
Step 3: While seated, tilt your head back and spray the back of your throat 1-2 times as the liquid enters your mouth being careful not to spray in your eyes!

Storage: Store in a dry, ventilated place at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

Product Specification


📦 Versicherter weltweiter Versand: Every order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package is lost or stolen in transit.
💰 Money Back Guarantee: If your items arrive damaged or become defective within 15 days of normal use, we will gladly issue a replacement or refund.
✉ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live staff ready to help you and answer any questions you may have within 24 hours, 7 days a week.

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